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[吐槽] when the 20th to Changsha want to continue to commit crimes

发表于 2015-7-15 17:55:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The police show the suspect copy bank card China Chinese Commercial News reporters Zhang Jie and She Fanzui suspects would with a long strip security camera above the cash machine video capture suspects would "test logger" set out ATM card slot,http://tuonela.s138.xrea.com/lightbbs/light.cgi?res=4006, Pirates Take bank card magnetic stripe information video capture
Criminal gangs by installing the "eyes" and "rats" in the bank ATM machine, crazy copy bank card, then fraudulent. Xi'an has 147 people suffer as a result of the funds, the amount involved nearly 800 million.
Bank report said the theft of client funds brush
December 18, 2013 at 3 pm, Xi'an Public Security Bureau of Economic Investigation detachment of the Second Battalion of the city received a bank report said the bank 26 customers in the case of bank card is not from the body and not himself operated at 12 May 16 at 10 am to at 4:26 on the 17th, was by more than 20 ATM machines in Xi'an, Hunan Yongzhou to open personal bank accounts of two transfers totaling 809,000 yuan pen 26, the funds ultimately flows Taiwan.
Last December 19, the public Lumou in Xi'an Beilin Branch Dongguan Street police station, saying that in the case of bank card is not from the body of stolen brushes 20,000 yuan in Wuhan.
These customers have never lost cards, passwords have not been leaked before, then, is how their bank card copied by others? Cash password to others is how do you know it?
The case has raised major Xi'an Public Security Bureau leadership attaches great importance, Xi'an Public Security Bureau of Economic Investigation Detachment set up to lead the global multi-force participation of "12? 18" task force to carry out ad hoc investigation.
Than 4 million people locked image data
11 o'clock last night, Xi'an Public Security Bureau of Economic Investigation Detachment investigators said, the task force for the transfer of 10 banks involved in more than 30 ATM machines nearly three months of surveillance video for comparison analysis, from million articles image data in the selected video capture four men suspected persons.
Combined with relevant information, police believe, four suspicious persons committed a crime may escape the Xi'an high-speed rail travel, destinations may be Wuhan. Police investigations revealed that on December 17 to take the high-speed rail passengers in Wuhan, four people ID number is a "0" at the beginning of the eight-digit, after verification, it is determined that four ID number to "mainland residents traveling to Taiwan Pass" ( That MTPs) document number, four were Jiangmou Sumou, Chen and Huang.
Video capture suspicious persons By comparison, the four human physical characteristics and age were extracted and the scene ATM machines are similar. 4 people were thus classified as "12? 18" Project suspects. Police speculated that the information according to the parties, four suspects in Xi'an after committing the crime, on December 17 to leave Xi'an high-speed rail travel is likely to continue to take the high-speed rail south, after Wuhan, Changsha, Guangzhou to continue committing the crime fled to Taiwan.
Room and seized a large number of counterfeit bank cards
In the Ministry of Public Security, the overall coordination of the Shaanxi Provincial Public Security Department, under the strong cooperation of Changsha and the police, Zhuabu Zu final last December 22 at 8 pm at a hotel nightclub in Changsha, the wine is ready to drink celebration Taiwanese suspects Jiangmou (male, 34 years old), Chen (male, 28 years old), Sumou (male, 27 years old), Hwang (male,http://www.yachtworld.com, 27 years old) 4 people in one fell swoop, and stay in their room the scene seized a bank card for track information entered measuring recorder, a laptop making counterfeit cards, 11 mobile phones, 80,000 yuan in cash stolen brush, more than 800 forged bank card Xi'an, including You have written your cardholder's bank card password counterfeit cards and blank bank cards, as well as a large number of banks U shield other tools of crime.
So far, over 147 victims, involving nearly 800 million "12? 18" large bank card series successfully solved fraud to Jiangmou headed fled to the mainland from Taiwan to implement bank card fraud criminal gangs were destroyed in one fell swoop.
Sustained nine months Cash Machine tricks
According to the suspects confessed that they have to reach Xi'an since March 2013, after a long check out the Lðcatiðn, the installation of cameras and measuring devices recorded a number of banks in Xi'an, ATM machines, which is what they call the "eyes" and "mouse . " They usually choose the bank to begin the installation after work equipment steal information and withdrawal password, install five hours,hogan outlet roma, retrieval equipment, computer and fabrication equipment to write information to blank magnetic stripe cards, bank card copied. At the same time, customer bank card magnetic stripe information and transaction password also its stolen. After a successful steal, they took on a number of counterfeit cards in ATM machines check the balance of more than $ 100,http://www.city.ono.hyogo.jp,000 for the card, they are accomplices in Taiwan will use the same technique to copy the card and credit card to buy jewelry, watches, balance less than 2 million cards, they will make transfers or withdrawals on ATM.
Monitoring in Xi'an a bank ATM machine was taken out of the picture: at 19:24 on August 16, 2013,http://www.healthcarehall.com/viewnews-48034.shtml, a man walked in front of the automatic teller machine, insert a bank card, then, he did not continue to operate a cash machine, but to come up with something from the racket set in a long strip of security at the top of the cash machines, fixed after repeatedly pressed the bank card exit slot, but not removed, and from the bag and took out a device, sets out the ATM card slot, then re-inserted into the card slot through this device, make sure everything is normal after use to leave, the whole process about 1 minute.
Monitor display, Xi'an area many ATMs have been tampered with like this. Forty-five hours later, these people come to these devices have been removed away. Every day they installed a demolition demolition of the refill,nike air max, lasted nine months.
They forged bank cards have begun in at 21:00 on December 15 2013, to make transfers in more than 30 of ATM machines, cash, 16th at 10:00 to begin the transfer in more than 20 ATM machines, cash; at 7:00 on the 17th Xu left to Wuhan, Xi'an, and has in 17,polo ralph lauren homme, 18, 19, 60 transfer funds in Wuhan remnants ATM machines, cash; when the 20th to Changsha want to continue to commit crimes,http://www.ai-gokaku.com/rcs/bbs_general/yybbs.cgi, was arrested panel.
Taiwan cross-strait cooperation in criminal gangs destroyed
After the case cracked,http://amami-kurozatou.ocnk.net, Xi'an police to Taiwan, Taiwan police quickly locked a long-term activity in Taiwan, cross-border and cross-border fraud that mainland Southeast fraudulent criminal gangs, from which to determine the "12? 18" major projects in Taiwan suspect that the gang has been destroyed. In May this year, the case involving Taiwan, key members of criminal gangs have been Taiwan police formally arrested. Today, around midnight, China Daily reporter learned that, at present, Xi'an People's Procuratorate on suspicion of credit card fraud suspects Jiangmou Taiwanese, Chen,nike air max pas cher, Sumou, Hwang approved the arrest.
Magnetic stripe bank card upgrade for the chip card
The case among depositors whole bank card information when using the bank's ATM machine was stolen, which makes routine security measures public banks questioned.
Head of the provincial branch of a bank security department said they dot the control room usually unattended, but there will be someone to look at every day equipment is functioning properly, all the channels are checked again. In addition, there is a provincial line security monitoring center, where not only better facilities, and 24 hours on duty. Also the staff of a bank's provincial branches of the security department said they control center for all of their banking outlets full coverage,http://www.sso.org.cn/bbs/showtopic-3571218.aspx, there are two to three hundred ATM machine,timberland scarpe outlet, only checks,http://www.mapfan.com/spotdetail.cgi, if someone had the hands and feet can not be found.
It is understood that after the incident, the commercial banks have begun to Xi'an magnetic stripe bank card upgrade to a more secure chip cards.
China Chinese Commercial News reporter Qing Rongbo
(Original title: 4 Taiwanese man was arrested in Xi'an 147 funds impaired (Figure))
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