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[吐槽] manufacturers of these drugs may not have the production quality

发表于 2015-7-15 02:05:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Mr. Gao infusion clinic death, conditions are very simple. Newspaper reporter Chen Jin photo
Newspaper Jinan September 2 (Reporter Zhang Yanan) after 2 Japanese newspaper "killer black clinic," reported the issue has aroused regulatory attention. Jinan City flyover District Health Board confirmed that someone not licensed clinic, the person in charge did not escape qualification to practice medicine. As of press time reporter, head of the clinic have yet to find.
August 30, Tianqiao District Lions Community Mr. Zhang Jinan City 42-year-old high hit the bottle at an unnamed clinic died suddenly, clinic doctors not only failed to call 120 for help, but to lock the door to escape. 2, Jinan City flyover District Health Bureau said,http://bbs.zgtest.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=50715, someone clinics do not obtain "medical institution" that is "black clinic"; clinic responsible escape nor obtain "medical practitioner's qualification certificate",http://sarasa.coron.jp/bbs/joyful.cgi, illegal practice of medicine .
There surrounding residents said the clinic a few years ago but had been shut down illegal practice. Some of the residents questioned without relevant permits, why not investigate? In this regard, Jinan City flyover District Health Bureau said that since 2012,louboutin milano, Flyover District Health Board has not received the relevant report of someone clinic, to be determined whether the report before 2012.
For Mr. Gao's death, several medical workers said that this requires autopsy and identification of drug infusion. However, in general, when the infusion death may be the emergence of drug allergies, infusion reactions. Pharmaceutical quality drugs may cause allergic reactions and infusion reactions. Doctors technical level is not enough, not to detect anomalies, timely rescue, the lack of rescue medication, equipment and other hardware are likely to make drug allergy medical institutions, fatal infusion reactions and other consequences.
Why can not someone clinic practice permit application to become a regular clinic? Reporters learned from the flyover District Health Board, set up clinics require a number of conditions. For example, the doctor's office to pass the exam expertise,nike tennis, access to doctors' qualifications, and engaged in more than five years of clinical work. Also need to be equipped clinic and a nurse, a physician at least meet the above criteria,nike jordan, the physician needs a local resident accounts. It is learned, someone who is in charge of the clinic Thailand An Dongping people.
Housing construction area of not less than 40 square meters, less than ten square meters is certainly someone clinics do not meet the requirements. It also requires at least an office, procedure room, treatment rooms, set UV lamps, high pressure sterilization equipment and many other basic equipment.
The incident is difficult to find regular clinic?
Mile radius seventy-eight regular clinic
Whether the incident near the situation difficult to find regular clinics exist? Flyover District Health Bureau said, the accident clinic within 0.5 km radius around the range, there are seven or eight after filing a formal clinic.
During the interview,http://markt.vaart.nl/cgi-bin/vaart/markt/classifieds.cgi, surrounded by several residents said the road near the new yellow,http://ruosudz.com/news/html/?127650.html,nike air jordan pas cher, green and white, says the words "Health Bureau producer," the clinic, there are many homes on the sign. "The new yellow road west along a street to go back and forth in a row three are regular clinic." A nearby hardware store staff said.
Zhou said the dead wife, husband why go to a small clinic, and perhaps in order to save money. She never went to someone's small clinic, but "small clinic certainly cheaper,https://fis.encs.concordia.ca/helpdesk-cgi/quota.cgi, say, a cold, go to a small clinic thirty-four ten solved,http://japan.rsa.com, much to the regular big clinics spend hundreds of dollars."
Cheap black clinics reliable?
Into the drug does not look at qualifications, quality is difficult to guarantee
Black clinics really cheap? In this regard, deputy director Zhang Bo Flyover District Health Board said that at present, the national essential drug system has covered Jinan, in community health centers,tiffany outlet, a variety of commonly used drugs zero sales slip in the essential drug list, the number of the purchase price,http://www.88822.com/#03666/read.php?tid=980, how much the price . Medical fees also have a unified standard, one infusion 4 dollars. So, for colds and other common diseases, using the same drugs are not more expensive than treatment at community health service centers in private clinics.
More than primary health care agency staff and medical staff, he said the company, in accordance with the regulations, medical institutions to buy medicines and equipment, sales qualifications required inspection of the seller. But some black clinics, in order to earn more profits, tend to buy drugs do not have the qualifications provided by vendors, manufacturers of these drugs may not have the production quality,http://subversion.jp, it is difficult to guarantee the quality of medicines. Newspaper reporter Zhang Yanan
(Original title: deadly clinic did not permit, "the doctor" not qualified)
 (Edit: SN123)
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